August 30, 2021
The NCE is conducting the above webinar to discuss and explore ways to improve Market Access to China and also to discuss two way trade between the countries, in collaboration with the Sri Lankan Embassy in China together with a participation from China Sri Lanka Association for Trade and Economic Cooperation (CSLATE).
This is one of the series of webinars, the Chamber has organized in support of its member exporters to develop and expand their market network in International Markets.
Further, the NCE will sign a Memorandum of Understanding with CSLATE with the objective of supporting and enhancing trade relationship between the two countries, during this webinar.
Webinar details :
Date : 30th August 2021 (Monday)
Time : 9.30 am to 11.00 am (Sri Lankan Time)
Mode : Zoom platform
We invite you to participate for this important webinar to gain insights and market information from a panel of prominent speakers and also to receive clarifications on any areas of concern.
Please register using the link : https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_6Xlh7z9yR--dR_WMhzVD7A
Also kindly share any questions you may have on the subject matter, prior to the event via email to nathali.f@nce.lk