September 24, 2021
The Budget Proposals of the Government for the Year 2022 will be presented in Parliament in November 2021 by the Minister of Finance. NCE has made arrangements to submit its budget proposals to the Ministry of Finance in consultation with the member exporters.
In order to discuss and finalize the proposals forwarded by members, we are planning to conduct a forum on zoom platform on 24th September 2021 (Friday) from 4.00 pm to 6.00 pm. The objective of this webinar is to highlight the importance of Exports Sector and its requirements to be considered in preparation of country’s budget proposals.
We kindly invite you to be part of this webinar and please register through https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_n46r3DWlS5eFvAjMsJdVRg